
Topics on how to make Monster Mash an even better tool.
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Post by UltraMirage » Sun Jul 31, 2022 12:56 pm

This website is amazing! This would be something that could change monstermash in a very effective way. Please add views like sideview and frontview for the drawings so you can get more accurate results because if you get a front view of a bridge for an example it will do a great job from front view but from the sideview it will be very short and a bridge is long, it could change monstermash forever, it would be great! Thank you :mrgreen:

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Re: Views

Post by dvoromar » Sun Aug 28, 2022 6:44 pm

Right, that would be great. Unfortunately, the current limitation of Monster Mash is that it supports only single-view 3D reconstructions.

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